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Road Improvements Update

Road Improvements Status

In September, road improvement projects managed by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation began. Since that time, workers have made great progress aided by ideal fall weather. Here is a status summary compiled thanks to details from the IEDC. As a reminder, the contractors performing this work will continue to ensure access to homeowners.

2023 Improvements

Temporary stop lights will be installed where indicated on the map below.

N150W (Witt Road North)

  • Work expected to be completed by July 2024.
  • Improvements between CR-450 and SR47 include replacing and widening the existing bridge over Spring Creek and adding a new stormwater pipe outlet from the Lebanon Project.
  • Base grade pavement is in place for bridge work completion in the near future.
  • Access for through traffic could be available by Dec. 22, 2023.


  • Work expected to be completed by July 2024.
  • Improvements include a widened roadway with shoulders, center median, upgraded rail crossing with gates, and new drainage.
  • The small bridge near Hope Community Church was removed and a new box culvert was installed for improved drainage and structural support.
  • The base for the roadway paving is in place between Witt Road and the railroad tracks.
  • The remaining section extending to SR39 will be paved when utilities are relocated and bridge construction is completed.

US52 at CR-300

  • Completion anticipated by the end of 2023.
  • Improvements include a temporary traffic signal at this intersection and added turn lanes on US52 and CR-300.
  • The median work on US52 was completed in late October.
  • CR-300 is open to east-bound traffic only as crews add turn lanes.
  • A temporary light will added at CR-300 and Witt Rd.

New Witt Road Bypass

  • Construction to be completed by early 2024.
  • This new road will be added east of the railroad tracks providing additional travel options for farm equipment and area residents.
  • It will include two, 11-foot lanes with shoulders.
  • The road has been cut, drainage installed and the base layer of asphalt placed.


  • Work to take place in 2024.
  • Improvements to this gravel road include road widening and paving.

N150W (Witt Road South)

  • Milling and paving to start in late November and take five days to complete.
  • South Witt to remain open with traffic control.

During roadway improvements, Lebanon Project construction personnel and deliveries will continue to access the site from Witt Road from the south. Information on road improvements and timing provided by the IEDC/Pure Development.