Several road improvement projects near the future Eli Lilly and Company campus are planned by the IEDC/Pure Development to provide safer and more efficient access to area homeowners and personnel working on the project. The contractors performing this work will ensure access to homeowners.
During roadway improvements, Lebanon Project construction personnel and deliveries will continue to access the site from Witt Road from the south. Information on road improvements and timing provided by the IEDC/Pure Development (
See map below for highlights.
2023 improvements
N150W (Witt Road North)
- Scheduled to start late September and estimated to be completed by July 2024.
- Improvements between CR-450 and SR-47 include replacing and widening the existing bridge over Spring Creek and adding a new stormwater pipe outlet from the Lebanon Project.
- The road will be closed to through traffic while the structure is removed and replaced with a new bridge.
Property owners south of CR-500 will use CR-450 for access to this portion of Witt Road. Emergency responders, delivery vehicles and service companies will access the area using the same CR-450 route to access this portion of Witt Road. LP support staff working out of offices on CR-450 will use this road for access.
- Work from Witt Road to SR-39 will start in mid-September and be completed by July 2024.
- West of the rail line, improvements include a widened roadway with shoulders and center medians, drainage, and upgraded railroad crossing with gates.
- East of tracks, improvements include a wider roadway with a shoulder and replacement of an existing culvert, with a new, small structure box culvert over Storms Ditch.
US52 at CR-300
- Scheduled to start in late September through December 2023.
- Improvements include a temporary signal at this intersection and the addition of turn lanes on 52 and 300.
- The median will be shutdown for several weeks, which will impact some travel routes.
- A temporary light will also be installed at CR-300 and Witt Road.
2024 improvements
- Work to take place in 2024.
- Improvements include road widening and paving. Utility relocation is required.
New Witt Road Bypass
- This new roadway to be positioned just east of the railroad tracks will include two, 11-foot lanes with shoulders, and provide an additional travel option for farm equipment and area residents.
- Look for updates in the future.
For road improvement project information and updates visit